Generasi Gigih: Reflection Week 2
-Welcome to intermediate level-
In this post, I wanna share with you all about my second week of learning at the intermediate level as a future backend developer(AMIN ya Allah) using Ruby language. In the first week, I felt demotivated because my classmates are smarter than me. Basically, because most of them are from IT backgrounds. Everything has changed when the second week began. The second module was easier than the first module. I could enjoy it and understood the materials, even though I knew a little bit about the topic. The topic was databases and routes. I have learnt it from prograte website at beginner level use SQL command.
Unfortunately, because I don’t know how to install mysql2 properly on rails. I only use SQL command prompt to access and did sql command. I have downloaded VirtualBox, then installed ubuntu. Perhaps that solved my problem. However, that made my computer slow response. I still figure out how to solve the issue. I enjoyed this module, not for the tools.
This topic is important for me as a backend developer because I can easily access, create and manipulate the database. Since the data is the new oil, how to manage data is an important skill for the future.